Manufacturing improvement

Since the global financial crisis began, manufacturers and engineering organisations have been operating in a volatile and uncertain environment. To maintain their positions either within a global or local markets. Recent studies suggest that 63% of manufacturing companies plan to get more out of what they already have instead of making capital investments. However, 87% of these believe that battening down the hatches and waiting for business-as-usual to resume is a formula for failure.

Our teams combine the right expertise and experience to deliver a step change in ‘Performance Excellence’. WA Consulting’s approach creates exceptional results with lasting impact through encompassing alignment of strategy, top-line and revenue improvement, cost reduction, focus on assets and liquidity, and environmental legislation.

In today’s complex, global environment, maintaining your competitive edge while continuing to control costs is key to sustainable growth. Whether you are developing an improvement strategy, facing supply chain challenges, launching new products/services or increasing core process capability; with our in-depth industry expertise and pragmatic approach we can help you to identify and implement the right solution, fast.